Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year 3-Card Spread

Because we are leaving 2009 (thank goodness), I did a spread to see what I can look forward to in 2010.

1. What can I look forward to in 2010? 5 of Swords
A woman is on the edge of a cliff with five swords pointed at her, poised to strike. She has her sword drawn, ready to attack as well. She also has five swords overhead, her mode of protection. She knows that she's outnumbered, so it's not wise to just rely on her fighting ability. She has to use her wits as well. This means that 2010 isn't going to be easy as well, but I'll make it if I'm smart about how I approach the world.

2. What I must leave behind in 2009? The Tower
It's dark and gloomy, and lightning has struck the tower, causing major destruction. Two people have fallen out of the tower. Will they die? Will they be severely injured when they reach the ground? Will they land on their feet? My job loss happened. I can't change that. I just have to go forward and do what I need to do.

3. What must I carry over from 2009 that is not yet complete? 6 of Swords
It's not a sunny day, but not as dark as the Tower. The boat is pressing on in the journey, and the female passenger is looking back at where she's been. How calm are the waters? How deep is it? Three swords are pointed towards the tower, three pointed away. She's looking away from the tower, but also looking back at the past. My journey continues. I have only just begun.



  1. I think your interpretation is appropriate and insightful.
    Here are some key phrases that you may add to the mix (or not). I really liked these, they're from authors Thomson, Echols, Meuller:

    5 Swords: Taking advantage of others' depleted energy.
    The Tower: Reorganizing the personality.
    6 of Swords: Making steady progress.

    It also sounds like a lot of things going on in your head (and I can totally relate, being a swords-pulling kinda gal myself, lol). Take an equal look at what's absent from this draw: wands, cups, pentacles.

  2. Seems like a pretty interesting reading. This is the second blog that I have seen on this spread. Maybe I should do it as an end of year reading too.


  3. The questions in this spread intrigue me. I'm thinking of doing this one, too.

    Happy New Year, Leigh

  4. Looks like you have an interesting and transitional year ahead. The 6 swords is coming up for a lot of people right now!

    Best of luck in the new year, and with your tarot study. I look forward to reading along.
