Saturday, January 16, 2010

Spirit Guide # 2

Now we'll meet Spirit Guide # 2. On to the interview!

Tell me a little bit about your personality. 8 of Wands

I like to smack you in the face with messages. There are only so many subtle hints that I can give you.

Why are you with me? Queen of Swords

There are times when you think so much that nothing gets done. You doubt yourself too much.

When is your presence strongest? 2 of Wands

I'm with you when you need to make a decision about your wants. I steer you in the right direction.

Was there a specific event where your presence was strongest? Queen of Cups

I was with you the night you decided that you were with "The Emperor".

Is there anything that you would like me to know? The Sun

Enjoy life. Allow yourself to take in each day, just live and love. Stay positive.


  1. Thanks for posting your reading! I've done the Spirit Guide spread a couple of weeks ago and got the 2 of Wands for the same position. I was a little stuck on this card first time around. :)

  2. What an awesome Guide! And one that gets you to pay attention!

    :) Leigh

  3. I think this is the same guide who gave me the idea to leave my job, but I didn't act until I got laid off. That was a big message he sent me right there.
